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2460    Kasterlee
Publicatie :   1999-09-16     N. 012920
Nummer van de vereniging : 1292099   Nr BTW of ondernemingsnr.:   466804283




Tussen de ondergetekenden :
1. De heer RATIAU, Michel Albert Jean-Marie, verpleger, wonende te 2460 Kasterlee (Lichtaart), Mezenstraat 35;
2. Mevr. ZERBO, Mamina Marie-Thérèse, taalkundige, wonende te 2460 Kasterlee (Lichtaart), Mezenstraat 35;
3. De heer ROGER Valérv Laurent Léonard, boekhouder, wonende te 6567 Merbes-le-Château, rue de la Rochelle 8;
4. Mevrouw HAEGEMAN, Danielle Marie Ghislaine, directiesecretaresse, wonende te 6567 Merbes-le-Château, rue de la Rochelle 8;
5. De heer ROGER, Guibert Jean Richard, student, wonende te 6567 Merbes-le-Château, rue de la Rochelle 8;
6. Mevr. ROGER, Daphné Louise Antoinette, studente, wonende te 6567 Merbes-le-Ch\Steau, rue de la Rochelle 8;


allen van Belgische nationaliteit uitgezonderd mevrouw ZERBO, voornoemd sub 2, die van Burkinese nationaliteit is.
Is het volgende overeengekomen met betrekking tot de statuten van een vereniging zonder winstoogmerk, die zij onder hen verklaren op te richten, overeenkomstig de wet van 27 juni 1921.

TITLE I. - Name, location, purpose, duration
Article 1. The non profit organization has the name: "North-South".
All documents, invoices, announcements, publications and other documents of the association have called for social name, preceded or immediately followed by a legible and in letters written words: "Non-profit".
In its dealings with third parties may also use the translation: "NORD-SUD".
Art. 2. The registered office of the association is located at 2460 Kasterlee (Lichtaart), Mezen Street 35.
In a simple decision of the Board of Directors may address office within the limits of the judicial district be changed.
Any change of address must be within the month published in the annexes of the Moniteur Belge.
Art. 3. The association is established for an indefinite period.
They can always be dissolved, according to the terms in the statutes.
Art. 4. The association aims to:
development organization that supports programs and projects in West Africa, collects and sends goods and other organizations assisting the transport of humanitarian goods to Benin, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast.
Organization of exhibitions.
Organisation of meetings.
For the purpose described in the first paragraph to achieve the association can take all the initiatives and actions that are directly or indirectly with the corporate purpose to make and / or social purpose can promote.
The association will also have the power to cooperate with other organizations with a similar goal, perhaps against reimbursement of costs incurred.
The above list is descriptive only and in no way limiting.
TITLE II. - Members, adoption, termination, obligations
Art. 5. a) The Association consists of active members.
With active members means the members of the general assembly defined in the law of twenty-seven June nineteen twenty one.
The number of working members is unlimited, but it must not be less than three. The undersigned founders are the first working members.
Until the association can join as a working member, whoever it is accepted by a majority decision of the General Assembly.
The prospective member must have been written request for acceptance to address the Board and written consent to the purpose and rules of the association to testify. Acceptance of the statute excludes acceptance of the rules of internal order in.
b) The Management Board may determine conditions on its other supportive persons as members to the association permit.
The number of supporting members is unlimited.
These individuals do not possess the rights of the working members. The rights and obligations of the supporting members are enrolled in standing orders.
Until the association can join as supporting member whoever is accepted by a majority decision of the Board, management.
The prospective member must have been written request for acceptance to address the Board of Governors.
c) the term member in this statute explicitly refers to the active members.
The legal provisions are only applicable to those members.
Art. 6. By the members is no charge.
Art. 7. Termination of membership.
a) Any member may at any time, provided he has one month in advance knowledge of feeding, leave the association.
Notices must be sent by registered mail to the board of management to be brought to the notice.
b) To exclude a member can only be decided by the General Assembly with two / thirds majority of the votes present and represented. Giving a reason is not required.
The exclusion has effect once it by registered letter to the excluded member was notified.
c) The Management Board shall be granted the right to temporarily suspend a member, by the unanimous vote of those present and represented votes, pending the decision of the general meeting referred to above in section b).
d) Membership shall automatically terminate if the member dies, is declared bankrupt or incompetent, or under temporary administration is made.
Art. 8. A withdrawing or excluded member, gefailleerd, disqualified or under temporary administration made a member, just as survivors of a deceased member, have no claim on the assets of the association and may never return of any contributions, application services or other performance claim .
Art. 9. The clerk of the civil court of the place where the organization is based must be within the month following the publication of the statutes, a list be filed showing the name, first name, domicile and nationality of all the members of the association to alphabetical order are mentioned. Each year they supplemented by the words to alphabetical order, of the changes occurred among the members. Anyone can from this list (s) free of charge inspect.
TITLE III. - Management, Board of Directors.
Art. 10. The association is managed by a board of at least three managers, all working members of the association.
They are appointed and their duties may be revoked by the general meeting. Nominations for the board of management should the office of the association forward at least ten days before the general meeting.
Their mandate lasts for three years. It also ends by death, resignation, dismissal and loss of membership. They are immediately re-elected.
Appointment, resignation and dismissal zomede each stop and renew the mandate of an administrator within one month in the annexes to the Belgian public.
The administrators can not be paid.
The council elects from among its members a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, and possibly a Vice-President.
In the absence of the Chairman, his functions exercised by the Vice-President, if one has been appointed and is present, or by the oldest existing administrator.
Art. 11. The Management Board manages the affairs of the association and is authorized to perform all management (Article 1988 Civil Code) to perform included therein organization, appointment, dismissal and remuneration of staff, and to issue internal regulations.
The Board is also authorized to perform all acts of disposal not specifically to the General Assembly are reserved, and including the closing of all purchases, sales and EXCHANGES of movable and immovable property, rental and lease agreements, which eventually also and all other agreements, even settlements, settlements, compromises and arbitration clauses, the acceptance and rejection of grants, donations and bequests, the investment of funds, borrowing, granting of mortgages, and giving all the real guarantees; also waive all rights and claims, waiver and authorization for cancellation with or without receipt of all registrations, transfers, and seizure resistance.
The Board may on his responsibility as authority for certain actions and tasks to a deputy administrator, also a working member, as defined below in section thirteen.
Art. 12. The administrators will not have a personal obligation on the commitments entered into by the association. Their liability is limited to the fulfillment of their assignment and to the mistakes committed in their management.
Art. 13. The board of directors may from among its members a deputy administrator designate an executive director is responsible. This takes care of current business and daily correspondence and signs on behalf of the association also all receipts and receipts in respect of transport authorities, post office, bank, savings bank and more. He also enters into contracts with public institutions such as water, gas and electricity.
For acts outside the executive committee and special assignments fall, the association is only connected by the signature of two directors including the chairman.
The same applies to an agency's action in court and in any judicial and extrajudicial act.
Administrators who need to act on behalf of the Board in respect of third parties do not show any deliberation or authorization.
However, the authorization of the General Assembly to perform the intended action is required, then this evidence should be given.
Art. 14. The Management Board meets on convocation of the chairman or two directors.
The meetings are chaired by the Chairman in his absence by the Vice-President, if one has been appointed, or by the oldest existing administrator.
Art. 15. The Management Board shall determine its own rules which will inter alia include:
the manner of deliberation;
conditions affecting the different categories of members will have to meet, and their respective rights and obligations in the lap of the association.
Art. 16. The minutes are kept in a special register and signed by the president or secretary of the meeting.
Art. 17. The legal proceedings in which the association is acting as plaintiff or defendant be conducted by the board of directors, to prosecute the chairman or the managing director.
TITLE IV. - General meeting of members.
Art. 18. The General Assembly is the sovereign power of the association and composed of all active members who have fulfilled the statutory obligations.
She has particular to contract:
administrators to appoint or dismiss and number to be determined;
annual accounts and budgets to approve or reject the adoption of the accounts by the general meeting of the managers waived their responsibility;
to amend the articles subject to compliance with existing legislation;
the association dissolve or merge.
acceptance and exclusion of members;
powers and to exercise powers which expressly by law or the statutes granted.
All other powers are exercised by the Board of Governors.
Art. 19. The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by simple majority vote of the members present or represented, except as follows.
In a tie vote, the chairman of the meeting.
Art. 20. In case of amendment, dissolution or merger of the association, the decisions can only be taken by a majority of four fifths of the votes in so far at the meeting the two thirds of the members present. The members who abstained from voting are considered absent.
If two thirds of the members not present or represented at the first meeting a second meeting may be convened that may decide by a majority of two thirds of the votes which the number of members present or represented members.
Under Article eight and Article twenty of the law of twenty-seven June nineteen twenty one, will this last decision by the civil court must be ratified.
Art. 21. The general meeting is convened by the board of directors whenever the purpose or significance of the association so requires.
They should at least once a year to be convened during the month of April for approving the accounts and budget and policy managers.
The managers are also required to convene the general meeting whenever at least one / fifth of the working members so request, within one month after the submission of such request to the Board. All active members should be called at least five days before the meeting. This occurs with oral delivery of the agenda, or ordinary letter which mentions the agenda.
The meetings take place in the office or at the place stated in the call.
Art. 22. The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and in his absence by the Vice-President, if one has been appointed, or by the oldest existing administrator.
The President appoints his secretary and two tellers. All the members have partners in the meeting have one vote.
Any member may be represented at the meeting by another member with a written proxy, whose form is prescribed by the notice. No person may represent more than one principal. About subjects not on the agenda can not be validly voted, unless permission of the Management Board.
Art. 23. The decisions of the General Assembly are recorded in a register of the minutes signed by the president and a manager.
This register is kept at the registered office where all members can access it without moving from that.
All members or others who do show an interest may ask extracts signed by the chairman and secretary.
TITLE V. - Budget, accounts.
Art. 24. The financial year of the Association runs from January to December 31.
With the end of each financial year by the board of management accounts for the year ended expired and the budget for the next year made. Both are submitted to the next ordinary general meeting.
The income of the association include:
a) the possible contributions of the supporting members;
b) contributions are intended to cover administrative costs;
c) any grants and generous today, bequests, or income of any kind that it would be acquired.
Art. 25. The surplus (excess revenue for expenditure) is transferred to the reserve fund.
It should enable the association to cover themselves against the risks they run under the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted to it and to the achievement of its corporate purpose.
It can under no circumstances by way of dividends or otherwise distributed to members.
TITLE VI. - Merger, dissolution, liquidation
Art. 26. Following a decision of the general meeting the association may merge with other similar associations. Departments may be established by decision of the board of management that the modalities of organization and operation will determine in accordance with section four.
Art. 27. The General Assembly declares the dissolution of the association in the manner indicated in section twenty. It also determines the procedures for the settlement, indicates one or more liquidators, determine their powers and their contingent fee.
Art. 28. In case of dissolution, either voluntarily or judicial, will after the settlement of the debts and settle the charges, the use of the net remaining socially active are determined by the general meeting for that purpose by the liquidators will be convened.
Art. 29. For everything that was not provided in this statute, refers to the law of twenty-seven June nineteen hundred and nine p.m. on the non-profit organizations.
Transitional provision
All of the above founders met and decided unanimously to appoint as directors
1. De heer RATIAU, Michel;
2. Mevr. ZERBO, Mamina;
3. De heer ROGER, Valéry;
4. Mevr. HAEGEMAN, Danielle, allen voornoemd, die aanvaarden.
Vervolgens zijn de bestuurders bijeengekomen en werd aangeduid en aangesteld tot :
Voorzitter afgevaardigd beheerder : de heer RATIAU, voornoemd.
Ondervoorzitter : Mevr. HAEGEMAN, voornoemd.
Secretaris : Mevr. ZERBO, voornoemd.
Penningmeester : de heer ROGER, Valéry, voornoemd.
Kasterlee (Lichtaart), 17 april 1999.
(Volgen de handtekeningen.)
Geregistreerd acht bladen, geen verzending, te Herentals. (Registratie I), op 20 april 1999. Boek 6/7 blad 69 vak 22. Ontvangen duizend frank (F 1000). (Get.) e.a. J. Aerts, eerstaanwezend inspecteur.